It Pays to be Green

It’s fantastic knowing that at the very core of our company, our plants and trees naturally help to make us a ‘carbon reducing’ business. Simply by taking the carbon dioxide from the air and producing oxygen, plants and trees improve air quality.

In the face of scientific, technological and architectural developments, it’s never been more important to preserve and protect our natural environment too.

Here at I Want Plants, we’re committed to continuously improving our environmental practices to reduce any negative impact we have on the environment.


I Want Plants donates to Chester Zoo

  • Planters and containers are recycled wherever possible.
  • Unwanted plants are donated to Chester Zoo.
  • Green waste (including plant trimmings and exterior compost) is given to a nearby farm for composting.
  • Interior compost is always recycled and re-used for exterior tree planting projects
  • Our waste cardboard is ‘compacted’ and collected by a specialist Paper Recycling company.
  • Packaging, plastic pots, cellophane etc is again, collected by a specialist Waste Management company, B&M Waste Services who facilitate it being transformed into RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel).
  • We minimise the use of paper in our office barn, using mainly electronic mail and we re-use/recycle paper when we can.
  • Our HYVERT modules and blades are both manufactured from recycled batteries.

Water & Energy

  • Water is integral to our business and we always use it responsibly; recycling and collecting our water when feasible.
  • We also harvest rainwater for our plants/trees irrigation.
  • Our office barn is heated using energy efficient Inverter Technology and our lighting system uses low energy light bulbs.
  • Energy consumption and efficiency of new products is always taken into consideration before being purchased.

Our Vehicles

I Want Plants Vehicle

  • Our fleet of vehicles are less than three years old, regularly serviced and use AdBlue solution to minimise nitrogen-oxide emissions, thus reducing pollution levels and in September 2022, we proudly took delivery of our first Electric Vehicle (EV).
  • We will continue to upgrade our fleet at each opportunity. 

Plant and Tree Ambassadors- We’re Biophilics!

  • Naturally, we love to raise awareness and promote the many benefits that plants and trees, both internal and external can bring and we always will.
  • We ensure that all new staff are made aware of our environmental values and best practices.
  • We endeavour to work with like-minded businesses who care equally about the environment.
  • We’re community spirited and love to support a worthy local cause.