Did you know we’re currently in the midst of the UK Net Zero Week 2021? It runs from 17-23 July.
The week-long campaign is to raise more awareness of global warming and climate change and the measures, solutions and policies that need to be implemented to combat it going forward.
Last November, the UK Government published ‘The Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution’, which will help the UK to become a Net Zero society and on 29 June this year, the UK also became the first major economy to pass laws to reduce all greenhouse gas emissions to Net Zero by 2050.
To become Net Zero, a balance needs to be achieved between the greenhouse gas emissions released into our atmosphere and those that we remove.
Climate Change is a global issue and a Government Task Force will be set up to progress the UK’s co-ordinated response and legislation.
The Ten Point Plan, details all the approaches of how this will be achieved and Point 7. ‘Greener Buildings’ and Point 9. ‘Protect Our Environment’ resonates particularly strongly with us.
Our HYVERT living walls and their green infrastructure naturally reduce air pollution and increase biodiversity by encouraging pollinators.
Not only are they beautifully looking, they are helping to address the Net Zero balance.
The NetZeroWeek website has lots more information on how we can all play our part in achieving #NetZero, have a look here: